Monday, December 1, 2008

Idaho to Eastern Washington

After over a year of sitting around NOT making videos, we decided to stop being lazy and try and get back to work on our epic mini-series... "Jason and Ryan's Excellent Adventure."

Since you've actually come back to this site to watch our videos, we decided to try and give you some humor before returning to the mind-numbing educational videos that we'll be creating in the future! For a re-cap, we advise you to watch the old videos to see how we made it to Idaho...

In this video, you'll see Ryan and I face off against viscious man-eating bears. We'll also visit the mean streets of Coeur d’Alene, ID and Spokane, WA. We end in the haunted Waterville Hotel in Waterville, WA where Ryan faces off against ghouls and ghosts. Will he survive? Watch to find out!


-The guys