Monday, July 16, 2007

What sights should we see on our trip across the country?

We're heading West from Michigan and we're planning to stay on the northern-most portion of the U.S. until we hit Washington state. We're heading south from Washington through Oregon, until we hit California. From California, we're planning on going to Arizona, Utah, and then Colorado. From there we're either heading south to Texas or we're just going back home to Michigan.

We'll be visiting all the states in red and possibly driving through the green states.

If you can recommend any cool little towns or specific places you think we should visit, we'd greatly appreciate it! Leave us a message, and we'll be sure to keep checking back to see if we can visit any of your suggested sights!

Let us know your thoughts by adding a comment!

-The Guys

1 comment:

Kelsey Vidaillet said...

I have a recommendation for a "specific place" you guys should come and in Miami! :) Can you change Florida to be one of your red (or at least green) states. :)